Big Ideas

How to Quickly Gain Confidence and Clarity

Before making use of this framework, my idea was vague at best.

I’ve trained in strategic marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing and I’ve worked for the BBC but I still fell into the trap of thinking I knew how to get to the core of what my idea could bring to the world, when in reality I skirted around the important stuff.

The kind of answers you need to know, to set your idea apart from your competitors and to make a difference.

I was tired of feeling busy, burnt out, overwhelmed and frustrated and convinced there must be a better way.

And then it hit me.

I needed a framework. A system which captured all the important elements and cut to the core of understanding your idea, so you can see how to unleash your big idea in the world - in your own style, at your own pace, in a way that feels right for you.

I went from an ad hoc approach for developing my ideas and marketing activities to an easy-to-follow, fun framework - which took the pressure right off.

I’ve created a brand new programme which gets to the heart of understanding and developing your idea - so you can gain confidence and clarity quickly and easily.

If you’ve got a big idea and want to do your best, you’ll know how hard it can be to be objective.

Without realising it, it’s sometimes difficult to take a step back and get some perspective, especially when you feel so close and committed to your idea. You need that perspective to achieve some real clarity.

So my VIP Beta testers went to work, testing this brand new programme for me,

Here’s what they said…

“I’ve answered questions I didn’t even know how to ask or would have skipped over for fear of what the answer might have been.”

“I’ve found responses to the little voice in my head that had a story which held me back.”

“The greatest value for me has been pulling my ideas together and seeing how they fit in with who I am as a person.”

“I feel relaxed about things. I’ve realised I don’t have to do everything at once; that I can take baby steps and still get to where I want to be.”

“I have a structure to build on.”

“The impact of this programme is I’ve been able to think more clearly about how to actually create what I’m envisioning.”

“I’m thinking broader and tuning in more to the impact on the world that I want to have with my idea.”

I’ve recorded a video on why this framework works and how easy it is to . . .

💡 Get clarity on your big idea
💡 Understand which factors you need to address before you move onto the next step
💡 Discover why it’s crucial to only focus on one idea at a time
💡 Make your idea stand out from your competitors, in bright lights, with confidence.

It’s free to watch and there is an offer at the end, but there’s no obligation.

All you need to do is click this link to watch the video straight away.

With love and belief in your ideas,

Signature: Sarah Cousins, Ideas Girl™

P.S. If you’ve just skipped to the end of the page, here’s the offer…

In a nutshell, I’ve recorded a video where I’ll show you why this framework is different and how it will help you focus on your big idea so you can gain confidence and clarity to develop your idea and start to see changes and get results within 20 days.

The video is 100% free to watch, with an offer at the end (no obligation).